Hey Darlin’


Goldie’s is a love letter to the industry that supported us. It is eating dinner over a trash can in minutes, finding peace in the chaos of a busy night, a forbidden romance in the walk-in, or locking the doors to go catch last call at your best friends’ bar. We are shaped by the experiences we’ve collected.

We’ve seen the joy of a barback taking our tips in a post shift dice game. We’ve seen the sun come up at an afterparty more than once. We’ve set an alarm to wake up 4 hours and 27 minutes from now. You’ve definitely caught us giving out free shots. We’re still giving out free shots.

Goldie’s is for the people working the bar, as much as the people sitting at it. We want you to turn your regulars into friends, your friends into barbacks, and barbacks into bridesmaids.

However you get from there to here, this gin was made to help you find those experiences.

This is our love letter to the industry; Goldie’s is our way to say thank you. From a couple dirty industry kids: we wouldn’t be here without you.

Plus, it’s pretty damn cheap.

Xo, Goldie